All 6th, 7th and 8th graders will participate in the Math and English Language Arts (ELA) Washington State Smarter Balanced (SBA) assessment in May every year. Results are uploaded in Family Access (Skyward) by the following school year for families to view. For more information about state testing please go to the OSPI website.
Grading Calendar
Trimester Schedule 2024-2025
Trimester One
- Mid-Trimester – October 10
- End of Trimester – November 25
- Trimester Report Card Writing – November 26
- Early dismissal @ 10:55 a.m.
Trimester Two
- Mid-Trimester – January 24
- End of Trimester – March 20
- Trimester Report Card Writing – March 21
- Early dismissal @ 10:55 a.m.
Trimester Three
- Mid-Trimester – May 6
- Trimester Report Card Writing – June 20
- Early dismissal @ 10:55 a.m.
- End of Trimester – June 23
- Last day of school - June 23*
- Early dismissal @ 10:55 a.m.
*Weather make-up days:
If school is closed during the school year due to inclement weather, March 14th will be the first make-up day. Additional school days will be added to the school calendar in June as needed.
State Testing
SBA Testing Resources
SBA Test Dates:
- Monday, May 6, 2024, All Grades
- Tuesday, May 7, 2024, All Grades
- Thursday, May 9, 2024, All Grades
- Friday, May 10, 2024, All Grades
- Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 8th Grade Only - Science (WCAS)
Please make every effort to have your students in class on time for their assessments to avoid the need for make-ups.
A few things to keep in mind:
- If students have a district-issued laptop, the MUST bring it and the charging cord to school EACH DAY during testing and ensure it is charged in advance.
- When possible, please try to avoid checking your student out during their testing window.
- It is important for students to have a good night's sleep and come to school on time and well rested.
- Students should have a paper copy of a book to read when they finish testing, no e-readers.
- Electronics such as tablets, e-readers, smartphones, smart watches, wireless earbuds, etc. are not allowed during testing. Students must have these off and away during testing.
- Students may use their own headphones that can be plugged in to the computer. Wireless headphones/earbuds are prohibited during testing. If students do not have their own, one will be provided.
To prepare for Smart Balanced Assessments:
- Practice Tests for ELA and Math
- Log in as "guest" and choose appropriate grade level
- Universal Tools Overview Video
- SBA Fact Sheet for Families
Smarter Balanced Assessment student scores will be available on Family Access.
Score interpretation information and family resources are available on the following websites: