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Course Request Process

We are starting to plan for next school year, and we want to make sure you as well as your student feel supported with upcoming transitions. Please look at the information for your student’s grade level so that you know about important upcoming events and timelines.

General Announcement

Our annual fundraiser to support athletics, clubs, and activities at Maywood has been extended for online orders until February 21st!  People who would still like to support Maywood's clubs, sports, and education enrichment activities can register at to order online. If you would like to support Maywood without purchasing items, you can donate through this donation link (100% of donations go to Maywood). Thank you for supporting our school and helping us to ensure all students can participate!

General Announcement

All curious students and families are invited to Gibson Ek’s annual Open House Wednesday, February 26, 6-7:30 p.m. Gibson Ek, Issaquah School District’s choice high school open to all current eighth grade students living in the district. Details enclosed.

Health and Wellness

The Maywood Health Room has been very busy this week, with many students displaying symptoms of respiratory viruses. While we love appreciate students not wanting to miss school, if there's a risk of making others sick, they should recover at home.


General Announcement Icon for Announcements

We’re excited to announce an extension of the deadline and also opening the application to all grades between kindergarten and 10th grade. From those who apply, 20 lucky students will be selected to participate in the district’s “5,000 Days Project.” Those chosen will receive a film of their lives growing up at every age between the start of the project and graduation. 

General Announcement Icon for Announcements

The Before and After School Care (BASC) program is excited to announce that our Middle School Summer Camp survey received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the ISD community! As a result, we will pilot a camp at Cougar Mountain Middle School this summer.

General Announcement Icon for Announcements

As a reminder to families, please print any report cards, test scores or other information that you may want to have a copy of while Skyward Family Access is not available from February 11-23. Family Access will be completely unavailable while our district upgrades the student information system from Skyward 2.0 to Skyward “Qmlativ.”

upcoming events

You're invited to join our Family Partnership Team for a Fifth Grade Transition to Middle School Information Night on March 3 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom! This session is perfect for families that are new to the United States, or anyone wanting to learn more about middle school life. Details enclosed.