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Student Handbook

Our Mission: At Maywood, We believe in Community, Kindness, Engagement, Teamwork & Growth Mindset.


On behalf of the Maywood Middle School staff, we would like to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year! Our goal is to provide a safe and caring environment, where ALL students experience a positive learning environment. We strongly encourage you to pursue excellence in your academic studies, become actively engaged in the co-curricular programs that our school has to offer, and treat everyone at Maywood Middle School with respect and kindness. This handbook includes our policies, procedures, and important information. Please refer to the handbook when questions arise. You may also refer to the Maywood website updated contact information for staff, teacher websites, event dates, and more.

Handbook Sections

General Information

Review general handbook information for the school year, including items such as attendance and dress code.

students completing science lab


Expectations for academic comprehension during the school year.

Students listening

Student Conduct

Behavioral expectations for all students during the school year.

Health & Student Information

Information regarding the counseling center, nurse's office, health procedures and release of student information.


Extracurricular Activities, Sports and Clubs

Conduct expectations for extracurricular activities, sports and clubs for the school year.

Music class

Maywood Supplemental Guidelines

Additional guidelines set forth on the Maywood Middle School campus to supplement district regulations.

Important Phone Numbers

Principal Erin Armstrong 425-837-6904
Asst. Principal John Gardiner 425-837-6906
Assistant to the Principal Joan Siegfried 425-837-6904
Attendance Secretary Jennifer Falmoe 425-837-6907
Bookkeeper Mythilisaran Pillalamarri 425-837-6902
Receptionist Cristina Vovakes 425-837-6903
Registrar Kris Ellis 425-837-6909
Counselor (last names A–K) Kristin Beasley 425-837-6908
Counselor (last names L–Z) Tiffany Adler 425-837-6915
Mental Health Counselor Jen Noelke 425-837-6978
Nurse Nina O’Brien 425-837-6905
Health Room Asst. Megan Baker 425-837-6914
Librarian Mike Dahlin 425-837-6958