Contact Mr. Dahlin...and other Useful Links!
Issaquah School District Website
Welcome to the Maywood Library!
THE AFTER-SCHOOL LIBRARY HOMEWORK CLUB starts on Tuesday, September 20. The Library will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4:10 p.m. Students have the opportunity to check out books, read, and work quietly on schoolwork. The Activity Bus is available to club participants. Contact Mr. Dahlin with any questions!
WE HAVE THE NEW AWARD NOMINATED BOOKS! The Evergreen Teen Book Award , Sasquatch Book Award and Young Readers Choice Award nominees are now available. Check them out!
Library Resources, Services, and Mission
Maywood Library provides students access to a constantly evolving multimedia collection, including over 18,000 print titles, 20 magazine subscriptions, 400+ eBooks, 100+ digital audiobooks, 200+ Playaways/books on CD, and 20+ online databases.
The Library is open to students before school, the entire school day, and after-school, with extended after-school hours offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Maywood Library's mission is to connect students to books in a way that fosters a lifelong love of reading and to provide them with the information/research skills they need to succeed in school and the world at large!